The cover art for the DVD is is a lady pressing her boobs together to support a coin for crying out loud. But first... watch the trailer:
Offended by the magic or just the title? He was flipping the bird near the end only to produce a coin. People who are offended: Grow the fuck up! Offensive words have a function in any language. They are meant to offend people. The masses get polarized. In those who take it with the grain of salt and laugh about it and those who are easily aggrieved. Like Michael Rubenstein. There is a lengthy tread over at the Green Monster about the DVD. Mr. Rubenstein had the following to say:
As a parent, I would not allow my child to purchase this, and as an adult, I wouldn't buy it on principle. I am guessing the producers are from another country, and perhaps (extending a long leash here) they don't understand the implication of the word. Perhaps they think its hip. This is why we get names like Ninja, Stealth, Jet. But that word? It's a slap in the face. Certain words, swear ,racist, or otherwise, have no place being used in our profession. I can only imagine the backlash if I used a French, Italian, or German swear word intentionally in a title. Freedom of speech gives them the freedom to call it whatever they want, but I for one hope our US distributors do not sell it. A lesson should be learned here.Well I assume he's not the target audience for that.
If I wanna offend, words like "fuck" are a great asset. But I don't have to rely on those. I can use really nice words to tell others how bad they are. I got a whole blog devoted to that. But I can use really nasty words to mean very positive things. "Wow, the was the best fucking ride I ever had in my entire life."
There is no bad language. There is only you who can stand stuff. But words? Really? Words? Four letters, strung together is a "slap in the face"? No it's not. Some people love to swear, it makes them feel liberated from the straight jacket known as formal speech.
And maybe, just maybe that feeling of liberation is the sole motivation to call that coin DVD "Fucking Coins." Being free from those old dusty plot, from the same tried and true patter, from coin mold that Michael Rubinstein and folks feel so comfortable in. It's two young Belgian magicians, who freed themselves from the box. Now they are thinking outside the box. And they did that with a mission statement: "Fucking Coins"
Both Philippe Bougard and Clement Kerstenne obviously love coin magic. But they also very obviously don't like the old school approach. So they added fire, visual moves and some young rebellious attitude.
You can argue about that. Not about the title.
So did they succeed with the DVD? Not really I think. Watch this:
They have a lot to learn about coins.
But wanna know the real reason why the DVD is called "Fucking Coins"?
Suddenly people talk about it!
this picture comes to mind :P
Hey thanks.... makes a great picture for the post
Wow, the title is not offensive: that Matrix sure was.
About foul words and language, may i recommend you the Penn&Teller Bullshit show about it?
They sure do get through a lot of flammables.
Is all 'modern' magic that angley and awkward?
They called their DVD "fucking coins"... Big deal. I know a guy who called his blog's last entry "fusing coins". ;)
Being freed? That F word is so passe that it now has replaced "Um" as the sentence filler of the day. "Fucking Coins" as a title isn't thinking outside the box, it is firmly planted within the box because the word is over used and redundant these days. Most people I hear talking plant that word 2 or 3 times into every sentence that comes out of their mouths. Instead of, "I, um, went on vacation and it was, um, a really good time," is now, "I fucking went on vacation and it was a fucking good time."
That matrix was bad.
To quote Paul Brook: "Don't f*ck it, make love to it".
Fuck it, I give up
Well, the title would be better placed for a dvd on card tricks as it suggests "We hate you, coins!". As for the trailer, it seems to have some fresh ideas in it. Or am I just being patriotic?
Never mind all that ,How's the magic itself?
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