I will now use the ugly F-word and the S-word.
Fake.... Stooge....
If you start to rely on those principle along side camera trickery and editing reactions into the shot that weren't there then you have moved from a respected magician into a territory known as the "whore-out-zone" of any major network.
But what the hell am I talking about. See this:
Do you see? Do you see? Maybe some kids need to point it out to you.
Hilarious isn't it. Suddenly all the reactions become fake (or taken from a different show) the method becomes way too obvious and the performer loses all his credits. Lame!
I'm not sure why you had to say the F-word. It's obvious no one should've seen the stooge, but he seems very real and non-fake to me.
This has made my day, get a life and a wife lol!!
Spoilt children saying ''get a life and a wife''
I don't like stooges but at least Dynamo got his face off the facebook and youtube and practiced some skills.
Too many young people do nothing with their lives except complain [and use websites to bully other people]
I caught the dude with the football before watching the other video. As for the rest of you, I am sure you were all well behaved as kids and didn't mock anyone about anything EVAR!
Chill out, it's just the internet.
Dynamo / Steven Frayne - No harm is done to people he entertains with such awesome skills which include emitting burning heat from his hands and ice just as easily, plus whilst walking he disappears from his clothes that suddenly flop to the ground whilst people following just behind him are struck with amazement. He is presented as British although his eyes and head hair are possibly of Persian origin via ancestors? However, more than any other explanation for his actions, Dynamo is a Jinn - ask him !
i think is ok to do stooging, just do it correctly. if i recall, the important thing is the effect, regardles of method..cheers
hes a big fake ime sure
What happened to the second video? is not avail anymore
Great video to see dynamo's magic is a fake. The black man passes the ball to dynamo, the camera is cut, then he has the ball between his legs, but if you see the guy walking away behind him, all of a sudden runs to the right with the real ball on his hands.
Never lose this video.
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