Normally I wouldn't write about personal information such as this, but Justin Miller himself talks about it rather openly. In a bragging kind of way.
"As you all know, I was the unlucky surviver of the american "justice" system recently when I was placed into a most luxurious jail in ohio for 30 days. Suffice to say the nightmare that it was is indesrcibable."
And Justin uses this to get him some sales. In his newsletter he writes:
"Recently I was placed in jail for 30 days for something that is ridiculous..child support! And I actually pay my ex. Anyway's, I am now 30 days behind on everything and now you guys get to actually benefit."
And he uses this to generate him sales. I don't know if it works for him and I don't care, but I somehow get this vibe that he is actually proud of having been to jail. This should not be the case.
Child support deadbeats should go to jail. And they should be ashamed unless they're narcissists. Wait, that would explain why it's a badge of honor for JM.
That's probably the best way to go, really. The word is going to get out and then he'll have to issue statements and generally defend himself. Now, if someone posts it online, he can just say, "That's old news."
It started with Houdini. He was always bragging about being put in jail and then getting out.
He's dead now.
Who is Justin Miller?
Justin Miller always has some weird drama in his life. He's vanished for MONTHS at a time, got lost in some weird town, had a mental breakdown on the Magic Cafe where he started insulting people and egging them into fights.
I wish he would just release magic and shut the fuck up.
Somehow, magicians no matter nationality, race, color, they tend to like promote sales through stupid things they did in their lives.
I start to wonder why I start in magic...
lol..well im not a deadbeat..I pay 1k a month for my 2 kids...oh how nice it must be to know all things and judge so well. What divine knowledge you must have.
Yep..that is why I did it. I even say that on the cafe.
And someday you will be too. As I will be as well.
And I NEVER bragged about being in jail...evidently sarcasm is soemthing they lost in amsterdam.
No one important at all.
Actuallly everyone has some sort of weird shit going on they just decide NOT to let the general public in on it. I have gone a diff. route becuase people LIKE you will make up some ridiculous rumor and I have to set the record straight then, so I choose to tell you guys upfront what has happened. Like for example your post "he vanished for MONTHS" (love the capitial letters, you should write a mystery book) I VANISHED because I was going through a painful divorce. "got lost in some weird town" if only you knew what really happened, I will let that one go so you guys can have something to mastubate to if I ever LEAVE again! "had a mental breakdown on the cafe where he started to insult people and egging them into fights" actually they were doing that to me in pms I just took the fight to the playground. It does seem by your last statement though that you like my magic..so thank you for that! And as far as "shutting the fuck up" lol..never! Well, until I die at least. Oh, interesting how you do not mention that. That some people on the cafe actually said "I wish he would just die already" But why would you be fair in your assesment of me, after all YOU guys are the one talking about me, not vice-versa.
This has to be the dumbest thing I have read all day. It has nothing to do with magicians you silly rabbit. It has to do with being human. When I tell you something about my life and then decide to offer sales or an event, it is the EXACT same thing your digitial god roland does when he starts a rumors or post soemthing with half truths in his blogs about magicians. That is why he is the worst kind of all, because he uses OTHERS pains and struggles in life to get fans for his site, and you guys eat it up because that is what monkeys do. They watch other monkeys. It is the classic alpha male syndrom. The diff. is rumors and blogs like this have a shelf life, and it gets old real quick which is why they have to keep making up more shit so you guys will keep liking them.
Have you not learned anything baout being human yet?
Don't you guys have anything else to talk about? Something that actually matters?
Only makes good sense to me.
Didn't he quit magic to devote his life to god?
Dude -- in Ohio the last resort on child support arrears is jail time. First you lose your driver's license. You must have either been in contempt of a prior court order or you managed to really piss off the judge. I don't judge but you publicized this. And you were the one implying the justice system screwed you. Support your kids. Consistently. Simple.
No, that was Jesus.
I don't have "weird shit" going on in my life. Nor does anyone I know. Maybe you should see a therapist.
Justin Miller is the biggest piece of crap in magic today. I admit he is very creative, but his recent releases have been duds. And, as you can see by the main post and JM's comments, he's a criminal and a jerk. I just don't see why people support him.
On a side note, JM is posting about this jail event as if he is innocent. I highly doubt that the "American justice system" failed this time. JM must have done something wrong and illegal. But he tells the story as if he did nothing wrong. Yeah right. It's not bad enough he spent time in jail, but now lying about why. He should go back for longer.
Why do you have to like someone to appreciate their genius and buy their products? I didn't inquire whether the guy who sold me this computer was a saint or not. It's a good computer.
Does it work the other way round? Say you admire how honest and upright Jay Sankey is. Does that mean you have to buy something he puts out that is crap?
Evaluate the magic on its own merits. JM's effects don't come with a taint attached. No one in your audience is going to object, "That was a fine illusion there, but I didn't like it because the inventor smoked some weed illegally."
(There may be an exception. Don't do Hitler's triumph routine. You know, the one where all the cards turn the same way but half of them have been cremated?)
You don't have to like him to buy his stuff. I just won't support a criminal.
If it makes you feel better, don't think of it as supporting a criminal, think of it as supporting his wife.
Funny to see JM reply each and individual post. I am honored to be the dumbest thing he read all day.
Luckily I live well as dumbest thing he read all day.
I am somewhat surprised he did not go to jail for stealing Morgans plot for "his" autograph. Then again I'm not missed child payments come on once a deadbeat always a deadbeat!
I'm a selective buyer and some will say a hypocrite, for instance I would buy from JM as I like his stuff and often the law to do with custody and child maintenance is often wrong (because it's the law doesn't always make it right, I should know ;-)), whereas I wouldn't buy stuff from a paedophile or a bully no matter how long ago they did whatever sick thing they did.
Not me. I'd buy a trick from Hitler if it was good, and wouldn't buy a bad trick from the Pope.
The two things are unrelated. There is no stain attached by what they do in their off time. We are not buying a person's character here. In fact, I'd argue we should encourage miscreants to spend more time on useful enterprises instead of criminal behavior. We should reward them by purchasing their products to keep them on the right path.
All that said, let the courts handle any misstep JM committed. That's what we pay them to do. Stealing someone else's effect and marketing it as your own is different -- that falls under the court of magical law and that offense does deserve banishment, outrage and no more sales. But other than that? What will you do when you find out someone is a drunk or voted twice in the last election? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone and all.
Good luck with the holier-than-thou. There may actually be a half dozen tricks left, from the purest of the pure, when you are all done tallying the human failings of magical entrepreneurs. Create your show from those six and you can sleep the sleep of the just at night. I'll buy the rest.
Good to know that there are some people who would buy from a paedophile etc, each to their own I suppose. but personally I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire let alone support the sick bastards ;-)
Own any Jim Pace products, Gary? He's currently in jail serving time as a sex offender (google "jim pace magician jailed").
Jim pace, Jim Pace, wasn't that the "web" guy which was all about scaring your audience?
"If it makes you feel better, don't think of it as supporting a criminal, think of it as supporting his wife."
Miller's had money thrown at him by Cafe goons, yet he still goes to jail for not paying child support. Something tells me this model doesn't really work.
"We should reward them by purchasing their products to keep them on the right path."
Quoi? Buying the Web would keep Jim Pace from having sex with a child?
Now, I don't operate in absolutes; if I wanted a JM product (ha), I would have no qualms with sending money his way, because his offenses don't bother me the way a child diddler's would. On the other hand, garishly calling someone "holier-than-thou" for not wanting to send money a child molester's way is bullheaded. My repertoire of magic tricks can survive the blow, so to speak.
I have owned one of Jim Pace's effects, this was bought before the scumbag was found out to be a kiddy fiddler, like I said, I wouldn't support a paedo, ever! By the way the web was invented way before Pace released it, it was sold in joke shops as a gag, Pace just put some magic around it. It was sold as a school boy prank and it came with an empty matchbox, you placed the box onto someone's hand and opened the box to show it empty, it was found on the back of their hand, it cost 75 pence!
I feel that this post wasn't necessary to the magic community and should be removed. I'm sure roland was just curious of what seems to be bragging. Although the intention was not meant to be personal, people, being people, will do personal attacks even if it does not affect their own lives.
The point was that JM bragged about the experience in a non-private way and used it to plug sales of his stuff. Weird and worthy of a post IMHO.
can i get links to where he posted this story? cant find it on his website. i suck at searching stuff.
See the OP -- "In his newsletter he writes"
I really don't know any of the players, but why is it that people feel free to take pot shots while remaining anonymous?
Yes I know it's ironic...
Wonder if he met Hank Lee in the showers?
On the Cafe he wrote that he had been making support payments.... He does not say how often he was making them but I'm guessing probably once a month. He also wrote that he had been going back to court every 3 months for the last 3 years for reveiw...... Now I know lots of people who pay child support, And I've never heard of anyone having a "review" every 3 months... Unless they were in arears. So he says he went to court, The judge informed him that he should be making payments weekly or bi-weekly now.... And then threw him in jail for 30 days because he.... What? Was just told that he should be making payments every week? At least thats the reason Justin gives. Sorry. I don't buy it for one second. Unless he was ordered by the court to make payments every week or bi-weekly and ignored the order for a month or so... Then I can it getting hairy. But telling him he now needs to follow a different time scheduele and throwing him in jail for good measure.... Nope. Didn't happen. One of two things happened here, Either the whole thing is a farce made up to explain why he didn't get peoples orders out on time for his new DVD.... (Nothing new there by a long shot). Or , he did go to jail for some other reason. This is all classic Miller. He won WMF on here for exactly this sort of thing and now hes doing it again.... Shame on you Miller... Shame. Oh, In your next post please let the people to whom you STILL owe money to for past products bought from you that were never recieved, When exactly they will be getting THIER money back.
Oh and uh.... By the way, Miller uses this to tell people why he was gone for 30 days... Yep 30 days. But the last time I looked, Getting 30 days in jail meant serving 15 to 20 days time served. It seems Mr. Miller forgot about that when making his calculations.
Don't think I'd be LOL-ing too awful much if I had been locked up. But then again you probably were not so I can see where the LOL is coming from as you think you've fooled everyone.
I'd really like to hear about the whole "I was gone for 30 days" BS when, (If you were in jail at all) you would have only served 15 as the poster above pointed out.
You care absolutly nothing for your fans, (If there are any left) You're friends, (who have openly stated they want no further part of you) Aparently you're wife and children, (The reason you "Went to jail") Or you're customers, (Who you seem to rip-off at every turn)...Yes... LOL indeed.
Oh snap, we got a normie over here!!!, nothing could possibly be weird about the guy who posts criticisms anonymously about a person he doesn't personally know....
I've seen JM's stuff pop up on Ellusionist lately. The first effect showed him berating some ethnic guy. It was sad to watch him perform that. Ellusionist has since changed the video to not include that embarrassing content. Having known zero about JM prior to that, I made it a point that I would never purchase his stuff no matter how good it appeared to be. And now, I can see from his comments on this forum that I was right in doing so.
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