Christina Lettau / pixelio.de |
Damn, I'm not being cynical or anything. I really believe that Justin Miller is onto something here. Wait, wait, wait... What? Justin Miller? The guy who is known for shitty customer support and see through magic? Yeah! That guy!
Oh, just in case you have not heard.
Justin Miller just released BOLD, an open ended project that will teach you some Justin Miller magic. Basically you pay once and get access to downloads of videos that teach you magic. No, not just videos. Also essays, theory and some other stuff. More stuff will be added over time but you only have to pay once. The later you get into the project, the more you have to pay.
Now, ignore the red flags.
The question is, why am I endorsing this? Well because I like the structure. Paying once, continuous support! Not a life time support mind you. The project can end at anytime that Justin Miller decides. But the overall structure of not getting a final product and then having to pay for the next one really is an intriguing one.
By the way, here is what I don't like: That the price will go up. I have been running a similar project for few years now. It's called my Super Secret Magic Blog. Basically it's a blog that you can only read if I invited you. So far there are about 150 entries. But so far I have not made money doing so. I just let my magic friends read it and share my magic that way. Maybe I should ask for money. A one time payment sounds good. Being able to join in anytime, not being pressured into a an early bird discount sounds even better. But maybe I'm not BOLD enough.
Understand this Justin Miller, I like the subscription based idea of giving out magic. The fact that it will be a download makes it even more of a joy, as you won't have any trouble with costumer support and shit. I do not share your believes of "what it takes to truly call yourself magician", but the idea has a few other points that are good from both sides of the issue.
Yes the costumer gets it early and doesn't have to wait until it is fully produced. Gets the needed improvements later on. Gets more than the initial value.
The dealer has no actual product that needs being advertised, aside from the project itself. No actual cost of shipping and handling. 100% of the earned money goes directly into the pocket of the dealer.
How can this go wrong? Well if the actual items that will be released suck. So far it looks pretty weak.
In closing let me sum it up like this: The model is cool, the execution seems flawed. In the teaser video Justin says he's been working on the idea of many years now. Really? This can be thought up in one afternoon.
Suck it up! If you wanna buy the cat in the bag do so. I'm not endorsing the products or Justin Miller. I'm endorsing the concept if the price wouldn't go up.