It is April. In celebration of this blogs two year existence, the whole month will be winner time. Only the coolest and best members of our elite circle of nerds will be featured.
Today: Doc Eason!
It is scary. I watched all the Doc Eason DVDs that I own. I have not taken a look at them for about 10 years. It is scary how much of Doc Eason's personality found the way into my act.
And I'm not humble by saying that I love my act, therefore I love Doc Eason. He is known as one of the biggest bar magician. Here, take a look at one of his acts.
You can tell that the audience is having fun and that one heck of a lot of magic and comedy is going on. The footage above was taken at his real workplace at the John Denver's World Famous Tower Comedy/ Magic Bar in Snowmass Village in Colorado. So the people are real people and not your run-of-the-mill L&L audience.
Some of the magic Doc does may seems a bit bumpy but I assure you it is fooling and good the way it is, because it is also damn practical. One of the main issues a bar magician has to deal with is reset. And Doc does create the structure of his routines with resent in his mind.
Btw. If you wanna study how to do card under glass you better check out Doc Eason. In the set I have seen he makes the signed card go under the glass eight times.
Doc Eason, You are a Winner!
1 comment:
Absolutely one of the best. Probably the magician I most admire along with Eric Mead. The Tower was a special place.
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