
Friday, September 30, 2011

So Geryn Childress is a really weird fellow!

He used to be a WMF (read for yourself)

Then he wrote me an email:
Hello this is Geryn Childress, the guy you blogged about as the owner of, you have your information all wrong, I purchased the magic site off ebay from some kid who was selling it, I'm new to the whole online business thing and it took me awhile to learn all the outs and ins of running a business online and once I realized the material wasn't authorized to be on the site I took it off, I thought all the material that came with the site was okay to be there, once I found out it was so I'm just informing you that you have so much stuff wrong on your blog, that's not even my picture dude, Lol! so please update your information. Look forward to your response.


When I was writing the article on Mr. Childress, it clearly said you would get all the illegal content. He has changed that since then, although I have no proof, as I'm not paying 25 dollars a year.

Now he fights back like a little schoolboy: Take a look at this!

He actually claims that I have been arrested for having child pornography. Man that's a new low. I have been called a Nazi, an anti-semite, an asshole and a horrible human being, but this is way too low. There is personal opinion and there is hate speech.



  1. My favourite part is him replying to himself, twice.

  2. What's wrong with being gay? Like you said. Hate talk. Ignorant mind, or just downright insane.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What he has written is libellous in the extreme. Threaten legal action and see what happens.

  5. I know it's him because he also made a cute video, claiming the same things: The user who uploaded this is called "geryn" and all the other videos that are up are advertisement for his website. Also Geryn used to write about living in South France so he clearly speaks French. The blog I liked to is setup in French. So I don't know it's him, but I am doing what's called an educated guess.

  6. No it wasn't me, it was one of my magic students who saw all the false claims you said about me and my site decided to show you how it feels when people place false claims, that's not even my picture what did you decide to pick some random black guy and put his picture up, not only that my site keeps getting hacked and someone keeps putting up old information of things that aren't even available...I believe it's probably because of your blog, so when my student showed me the video he made, I didn't think it was fair but I thought it might teach you a lesson so I reposted it on my video channel, you can't post false things online about people and think they won't do the same to you. I wrote you a nice email and asked you to correct your mistakes but you never responded so at least this got your attention, take the false claims you made about me and my site down and I will have any false claims about you taken down as well, two wrongs don't make a right but it damn sure makes it even. Have a good day sir.

  7. Glad you took the fake picture of me down,I'm not some FAT BLACK if you could get rid of all the other false information you say my site offers we can call it even, I never offered those links, it came with the site when I bought it from Ebay, once I figured out how to take them off I did, I only sell my original creations.

  8. Hello Mr. Childress. First: I did respond to your email. Basically I was telling you, that the claims I made were true to my knowledge at that time. I visited your website. And no matter if you knew about it or not, you were the owner of that website, when all the copyrighted content was up. I got screen shots to back up my claim. (as I always do) What you are doing (or better allowing to happen) is slander and hate speech. There is a difference. What I did was basically writing an article about the situation. What you did (or allowed to happen) was the total fabrication of so called facts with the only purpose of defaming me. It was a personal attack. There are legal differences about being wrong and about making up facts knowing that they are wrong.

    About the picture. I took it down. A while ago.

    I will not take down the article I wrote. I don't do that. However. I could add a few more lines to the article. (As a matter of fact I already did a while ago) That would put things into perspective. Because I rather openly tell everyone I was wrong, than to hide it. So far I have no reason to believe I was wrong.

    I recommend choosing your students wisely. Because it seems like even your students are able to deconstruct your public image.

  9. Yes, but instead of writing me an email and asking me were those links actually available you assumed they were, they never were part of my site, I've been having problems with someone hacking my site and changing the front page to the way in was before I bought it from Ebay as well as adding their own links to other products ,I'm still having this problem and every few days I have to check the site and sometimes switch all the front page content...It's been a big hassle and I'm still trying to figure out how to stop this from happening, and for someone to see the site after it's been hacked and assume that was my doing without even asking me or to post pictures up stating it's me when in fact it's not without even letting me know or even trying to contact me to get the facts...isn't fair either. I told my student to take his video and blog about you down because it's not true, I only hope you do the same, no one wants their name defamed online, that's why I think you should have all you facts together before making claims about people. I'm new to this whole internet marketing thing so when there's an issues with my site I try and fix it as soon as possible, but just for the record the only thing available on my site is my tricks and if anyone thinks they'll receive anything other than that, they will be sadly mistaken. I checked your site about a week ago and the picture was still there so it hasn't been that long and you must of recently emailed me back because I've been waiting to hear back from you, either way I just hope that you would be fair when posting claims about other magicians.

  10. In what fucking world does accusing someone of being a convicted sex offender equate to calling someone out on magic misconduct? Are you fucking serious?

    Do you really think that if Roland were to bring the law into this, they would find the two equal? Laughable.

    Also, it doesn't matter if it was your student who posted that blog, because you went ahead and uploaded a video saying the same exact thing. Lolololololol.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Not only did Roland defame my site and character by putting up claims that were either false or taken out of context but he also put up a picture of some random FAT BLACK DIRTY guy and claimed that it was me.

    So anytime someone would type my name or website in google his article would come up with a picture of some FAT BLACK DIRTY guy saying it's me, that was mean and it also has an effect on peoples opinion and whether or not they want to purchase something from my site or not so he's basically trying to take money out my pocket, so NO!I didn't feel sorry this happen to him. What goes around comes around,I tried to contact him and got not response until my students who's well versed in internet marketing and SEO did this blog and video, and he still has the lies up about my there won't be any sympathy given from me...sorry!

  13. What is the name of your 'student' and in which country does he reside?

  14. geryn--- it is awful that you have a blog with that accusaton against rh calling him a child porn owner. you should take it down or else people might make anonymous accounts and retunr the favor.

  15. I was thinking the same thing Unknown, nothing stopping us from ensuring that when google is searched for Geryn Childress that it returns some most unfavorable and unsavory websites. I wouldn't do it as some anonymous moron like "his student" did, I'd be more inclined to impersonate Geryn himself so people think they are reading his words about his sexual exploits with animals and children.

    If you wanna play dirty Geryn so can we, so I suggest you get that site about Roland taken down quick smart.

    As to this garbage about his site being hacked, get someone who knows what they are doing or just stop trying to whore your stuff online and sell the site to some one with the brains to use it properly.
    Now I know it's easily hacked I might have a look at it myself. ;)

  16. And how is telling it like it is "taking money out of your pocket"? Sorry that you are new to IT, and that your site keeps getting "hacked". Make it bullet proof. What bullshit.

    You complain repeatedly over the photo, but whine so much more about the supposed reordering of the content of your shop, as you get "hacked", apparently. Whatever.

  17. For the record, Geryn.

    Making up crap about pedophilia is really too much. Even for fictional characters. You are a total and utter fucking scumbag, any which way you look at it.

    Roland has many faults, mainly all the tricks he has stolen from me. But to suggest what you have on both blog and film, is the action of a complete cunt.

    May your business wither.

  18. Do your nuts ever bang against your knees when you walk?

  19. Sometimes they slap me on the back of the head.


    PS When I run, that is.

  20. Thanks Roland for admitting your mistakes, I'll have everything took down.

  21. I've seen the latest post by Roland and being man enough to make an admission like that of having made a mistake, I'd give him the current award for big balls.

    Oddly enough on this post about balls I get a word verification of honness which made me think of cahones.

  22. Yeh, really looks like he's only selling his own stuff and not trying to give away other peoples stuff

    "I will teach you this Ellusionist effect for FREE! that’s right FREE! All you have to do is subscribe to our free magic course, if you want to learn even more Ellusionist effects become a paid subscriber."

    He's just another in a long list of scumbags trying to cash in on magic by ripping of other people and selling things that aren't his.

    Geryn, if you're really only selling your own stuff then why does your front page say you are giving away ellusionist's secrets? I don't even like ellusionist, but come on man, stop with the BS (and I don't mean Barry) I guess you invented black art and the disappearing beaker too huh?

  23. PMSL He's running an outdated and exploitable version of wordpress, 2.8.4 is over 2 years old, no wonder his site gets hacked all the time, I'm surprised it stays un-hacked for more than a couple of days with all the wordpress exploits.

  24. What I teach is a way to do the Ellusionist "effect" Tarantula for free, but it's not their version. mine is a better version that doesn't use a reel so I'm not teaching their effect, it's my way to accomplish the same effect, and for a heck of a lot the way thanks for the site info, that might be the problem, also how the heck do you remove videos from Metacafe, I had no idea it would be so difficult, it's not like youtube where you delete the video and it's gone, they won't let me delete or edit the video...WHAT'S THAT ALL ABOUT, forgive me I'm new to this stuff.

  25. I'm not a fan of Ellusionist, they over hype and misrepresent products all the time, what I do is teach people how to accomplish some of the same "effects" but without using their expensive gimmicks or methods, I don't expose their tricks, only my method to achieve the same effect. I'm sorry I don't think that's so bad. Magicians are way too sensitive if that's considered "breaking the magic code".

  26. Nice how you left out the next paragraph of my website Trickster:
    "Tarantula: I’ll send you a video link on how to perform the “HOVERING RING” illusion normally done with the Tarantula gimmick, but I’ll teach you a better more practical way to accomplish the same effect, without a gimmick, and this setup you’ll have for a life time."

    Not sure why you people keep making false assumptions about my site, just ask me if your not clear about something. I'm easy to contact.

  27. How many accounts have you posted under now, 4, 5? I've lost count.

  28. Lol!IKR...I told you guys I'm new to this stuff, I'm still trying to figure out why this keeps happening too, when I want to post a comment it re logs me in under my different google accounts...strange, hope my computer hasn't been hacked, either way I apologize to Roland for being so childish, I can be a prick sometimes, my bad. The blog is gone, working on deleting the video...HELP PLEASE! Metacafe sucks!

  29. geryn--- so it seems you have many accounts on one computer? i guess that means that you comment here ("No it wasn't me, it was one of my magic students who saw all the false claims you said about me and my site decided to show you how it feels") since "gmoney" was the one on your blog making the child porn accusaton. i guess in addition to being a thief your a dirty liar. "hacked" my ass.

    just for that, this new blog is for you.

    i will be updatin that blog until you find a way to get that metacafe video taken down. get cracking.

  30. oh and one more thing... its obvious why you have so many accounts. do a google search on your name and you can see you do a lot of work to game SEO engine.

    well guess what, some of us know seo also

  31. geryn--- well at least now your bein honest that you and "gmoney" are the same person unlike before when you said it was your student or somebody who hacked your account.

    of course, since you lied before about not being gmoney maybe your lyin now about not being able to take down the metacafe account.

    well your not alone in bein able to play that game, and for fun, go ahead and google "geryn childress needs to learn some manners". that blog will say up until you find a way to clear rh from this. ta ta...

  32. Guilty as charged...Lol! I thought that's what your supposed to do when your trying to promote a new website, why, is there something with doing that too? is it illegal or something?

  33. Hey! all publicity is good when you have a small website and your trying to get more people to view it online, even if it's lies and falsehood so thanks UNKNOWN, opp's my bad, I meant coward.

  34. I've seen his work in person, and my family enjoyed every moment. Continue to do your thing Geryn and let God revenge the haters. These people don't have anything better with there life or time, so they find anyway to try to knock U off your cloud. It's probably all his family and friends who keeps writing the bad comments.


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