As you can see in the comments one post earlier, a user named "rocboy315" has removed his comment. Naturally I still get a message (I get that automatically, when a comment is made). "rocboy315" wrote:
I've never even made a sponge ball video so I'm not sure how you ever got the idea that I've received over 3,000,000 hit on youtube for anything, it would be nice...but that's not me dude. As I mentioned before you take down all the false or out of context information about me and my site and I'll make sure my students do the same for you.
That got my brain spinning. First: "rocboy315" is Geryn Childress. Second: I could have sworn I saw that video. Then I found it. But it turns out it is NOT Geryn Childress.
its a guy named Cartess Ross. He also has a online school for magic. (
What the hell happened?
I tried putting two and two together: As insensitive as it may sound. I guess I confused both guys simply because they are black. In fact I was looking for pictures for Geryn Childress, so I googled him via image search. What came up was always the same guy. And he looks a lot like Cartess Ross. I guess the "fusion" of both guys was made then. And it certainly didn't help that the video above is also posted on Geryn Childress' website.
Gee, what a dick move of me not to double check that. Now I look like an idiot.
Alright... wouldn't be the first time I am wrong. And wouldn't be the first time I try to fix the mess I created. Here is what I do, i will reedit my original post, adding what I know now. That should put things in perspective.
I like his shirt. I'm a big fan of Tom Jones too.