Don't get me wrong... Once in a while I love me some trash forum. But from a technical point of view the
Magic Café really needs an update. I complained that the
search function is broken, but that is not all.
The Forum is split up into more than a hundred separate forums. That is a lot. More than enough to get lost. As far as I know the Magic Café doesn't use standard scripts, but has a tech guy doing the work. That guy should get fired. Open source solution are out there able to handle the sheer amount of visitors and posts. They are free and much better.
Also... the moderators on the Café are pussies. The slightest discussion/controversy and the thread in question gets deleted. I thought forums were originally intended to battle out debates to reach conclusions. But not the Magic Café. This was actually one of the reasons this Blog came to be. If it wasn't for the "let's delete before it gets us in trouble"-attitude of the cafe this Blog and it's so dearly missed predecessor the Magic Circle Jerk wouldn't be.
If you take a look at the Genii Forum, you'll note that things run much smoother over there. Part of this is the mostly live and let live attitude of Kaufman & friends.
And there are plenty of other forums to showcase as "good" forums.
One of the bigger German magic forums is the "
Zauberschrank Forum" which has an interesting feature that might be of help to the green monster. A "log" forum.
Whenever a change is made to a thread or a post it gets explained in the log. That helps to keep stuff clear. Note that it doesn't go much into detail, but leaves interested people not wondering what happened to a certain thread.
The Magic Café is the biggest magic forum in the world (I believe), there are thousands of magicians looking for help. Maybe they deserve more than this mess.
So Steve Brooks, please... clean up the forum. Make it cool again! As long as you don't consider your green monster WMF!
PS. Maybe I should add, that we magicians have no right to have a cool forum and Mr Brooks can do with the forum whatever the fuck he wants to, but still... The intent is good, the execution is not.
PPS: By the time I wrote this until now, that I am publishing this the Magic Café is down. Maybe they are fixing it. I doubt it!