Hello Folks,
just because I am thinking about this problem right now, I want to share my thoughts with you and also I want to ask about your thoughts concerning this problem.
We discuss a lot of time about stealing patter, routines, tricks etc. But what is unethical?
Lets assume you see another magician perform a trick and you ask him if you could use an idea from him. He says no, so no problem, you don't use it. But now lets assume that later on you find this same idea written and published in a book. So what now? Who si the original owner? Especially if he admits the idea is not his own and he learned it elsewhere? Can you use it or not? Do you have to cite him? E.g. this is a trick inspired by ... written down ... etc. Real people don't know and don't care.
So what now? Or lets say you came up with an idea only to see it performed somewhere else. Is it okay to use it anyway or would you throw your own idea away? Or if you re-invent a trick, where you don't know the workings just the effect? Maybe told to you by some layfriends?
Think about this problem, I don't find it an easy one. Especially if you think about which ideas are reffered to as common knowledge. In this specific case it is Bill to Walnut. It is basically Bill to impossible Location. Same is Bill to Lemon or Bill to Kiwi or Bill to whatever you can say. Do I have to feel bad, if I would be using it anyway. The personal level is of course one thing, if a friend is asked and he turns me down, it is probably another thing, as when I see it as a demo on the internet and the use it.
But on the other side, should you call him friend any more, if he is not sharing.
I understand the rule, if working in the same spots, maybe the same city or same restaurant, but everywhere.
How about "classics"? Cups and balls? Straight-jacket escape? I am working on the streets and you could bet, that almost every magician is performing the cups or a strait-jacket. What about that?
And last but not least a quote from Pablo Picasso (Or maybe someone else):
"Good artists copy, great artists steal."
I hope for a real discussion, as I this problem is really laying close to my heart.
Best Wishes,