It is April. In celebration of this blogs one year existence, the whole month will be winner time. Only the coolest and best members of our elite circle of nerds will be featured.
Today: Karl Fulves!
How can I end this month of winners. I chose to include Karl Fulves. This is straight from Wikipedia:
Karl Fulves lives in Fairlawn, New Jersey, and is a private person who has repeatedly turned down all requests for interviews. There is not much known about him other than his incredible output of magic literature. He has taught thousands of beginners, young and old, to perform remarkable feats of sleight of hand through the books he has published.
You probably own one of his self working books published by Dover. Karl Fulves has compiled so much magic knowlegde over the past years that is hard not to thank him for his hard work. Such a contribution is a true work of dedication to the art.
I don't know if he is a great magician but I am sure he certainly helped a lot of great magicians with an idea or two that made their acts great. I took so much of his work and made it my own. With little knowledge and creativity it is fairly easy to apply something that he wrote in "Self Working Rope Magic" and use it in your own complex rope routine.
I consider the importance of his work towards other magicians even greater than that of Michael Ammar and Daryl Martinez. Yeah he is that great.
And with this I end this month. Tomorrow it is going to be back in business. Tearing the veil from magic grace.