I heard so many good things about Chris Kenner. Being a consultant of David Copperfield and other stuff. In fact, I read his wonderful book, "Totally Out of Control" It is a great magic book. Lot's of knuckle busting stuff. Hell I even perform a few of his effects. ("In Ten City" and "Long gone Silver")
So I know this guy is good. He is a great thinker and reading his book I got the impression he loves magic. But he seems to like money even more.
Exhibit #1: "Tnr by Mathieu Bich" a horrible effect that Kenner advertises on the hip and cool website Theory 11. Effect: A card is torn into 4 pieces, the pieces are restored piece by piece and in the end the card transforms into a different card. This is a monster.
Not only is the trick extremely impractical, it also makes no sense. If a card is torn and restored, the first assumption of any spectator is "switch". And basically their thoughts are proven with this.
Chris Kenner is smart enough to understand that this effect is trash and that the trick is impractical. The fact that he still advertises it makes me think that he is either forced to do it, (I think I heard the trigger of a gun in the demo video) or that he just wants to milk our money, implying that he doesn't care for the art anymore (if he ever had).
Shame on you for being such a sellout, for saying "f*** you art, hello business."
And I really like your routines.