
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sometimes you gotta trust your street fightin' instincts!

Being a performer is hard. And depending on what venue you are in the amount of assholes being present rises and falls. The street is a high asshole zone.

Sometimes you have to fight back. I wonder how this actually resolved itself.


  1. Hehehehe That was here in Australia LOL
    Still being resolved, only very recent.

  2. Does that count as breaking character?

    1. I don't thik he broke character. A cowboy definitely would have popped him in the face at least once. And I'm even inclined to think that a real statue would have as well. Licking your finger and putting it into a stranger's ear. Come on, who should have to put up with that?

  3. Sometimes a guy deserves a solid punch to the teeth and nothing else will do. This is one of those times.

  4. To quote Georges Courteline: "I know no healthier, more comfortingly comical sight, than a gentleman receiving from a master's hand a beating he had been asking for." :)


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