
Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Do you guys mind, if I switch the blog design from the classic format to a more dynamic version?

Like this: Weekly Magic. There is a poll on the right side.

Will you be able to adopt to the change?


  1. Why not, if you think it's better...

  2. I hate the new blog templates, and all the dynamic layouts seem to do is eat up bandwith and processing power without adding anything to the content of the blog. It's the XCM of the internet.

    I even struggle with WMF as it is now. The layouts take too long to load for me, but I can at least read the content on Reader (which now has its own problems) and not miss what is important for me.

    Google has persisted in fixing unbroken things, and the blog templates are a great example. On the old WMF, I could find the blog roll, the followers, subscription info, and the like just by looking at it. Now, I have to hover over the equivalent of a Sybill cut and poke at arcane non-intuitive icons, which I have plenty of time to do at least while the input window lags behind my typing a word or two at a time. I can also look at them when I want to scroll down the page, since they lay right over the scroll bar, and you have to maneuver around them in order to move up or down the page without resorting to the keyboard.

    Dynamic layouts don't add anything to a blog. Your writing and your content adds everything.

    That's this $ .02 (US) at least.

    And it wouldn't even take me to a Google Account login in order to publish the comment. In Chrome, the Google browser. I had to pretend I wanted to use two other login methods first, and then switch back to Google account.

    Maybe I just need more coffee...

  3. I agree, it's not working out as nice as I think this would. But I tinker around about a week, if it doesn't get better I revert back.

  4. I'm no fan of this layout either, mainly I hate losing the top third of my screen to a static header. I know what blog I'm reading, I don't need the header to take up content area as I scroll down. I also miss one of my favorite things about your blog, comments opened in a new window, when I finish reading I just closed the window with no need to click back and reload the page.

  5. I really like the layout you have at the moment, but since you have the decency to ask (unlike sites like Facebook, Youtube and Twitter) you have my blessing to do what you see fit. Just make sure your content doesn't disappear in the process...


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