
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Résumé towards FISM

Just some thoughts.

1. Norden posted on Itricks: "First off I know Shawn quite well. He is an amazing magician and talented beyond most of us. He is a real working magician and most of cannot say the same."

And you know what... I think I agree on that. If one takes into consideration the whole amount of people who call themselves magicians, Shawn really is beyond most of us. Maybe my definition of a magician was too narrow, for I never considered any "none performing trickster" magicians which led to my understanding that Shawn was just a regular performer with a huge ego problem.
But now, accepting all magicians in the definition, I do agree, that Shawn is an amazing magician and talented. He still has that ego problem and still has to actually use that talent, but that is another story.

2. FISM isn't what it used to be. Past winners like Fred Kaps, Richard Ross, Lance Burton, Geoffrey Buckingham, Tonny van Dommelen and even Johnny Ace Palmer are great magicians and deserve the "grand prix". FISM should be a contest which awards, skill, creativity and personality. This year only the later was awarded. So I conclude that FISM isn't what it used to be. Maybe an alternative contest should be initiated. The award is a magic cookie, that must be eaten during the celebration. SO there is no actual award to be displayed over and over again.

3. Beating a dead horse has no purpose, aside from the fun of it. So I'll stop. Russ Stevens has said what he wanted to say, Shawn Farquhar got the award for HIS signature piece and Tim Ellis will support Shawn, as it supports his involvement as a judge during the contest. If that is the status quo, I guess we'll have to live with that.

4. So Shawn enjoy your award, be sure to ride it to death. I am sure it was a certain satisfaction to change the "signature" on the Genii Forum to "Three-Time FISM Award Winner." It couldn't have been quicker.

I am out as this past weekly magic failure is a hot candidate to be "magic failure of the year".

Bonus: Sting should have won FISM.


  1. Hopefully everyone can start putting the heat on the judges. Like Shawn or not, he just showed up and did what he does. The judges really should be questioned. If I were some kind of FISM rep. I would severely take a look at the judge panel in 2012

  2. When deciding if Shawn's act was deserving you seem to have forgotten a very important factor, the other competitors. Studying Shawn's act with pen in hand isn't even relevant unless you apply the same scrutiny to all the other acts.

    Assuming you saw every act and have watched them ALL as thoroughly as you have Shawn's, who would you suggest was better? And remember, you can only pick those who scored more than 80 points in their category.

    I'm excitedly looking forward to reading your replies!

  3. Please do not forget who gave those points. It was the judges, and humans make errors. But aside from that, yes sitting down with a pen and paper has merit. I suggest, that Florian sends the list to Shawn, maybe he will take some into consideration.

    And if FISM is only to be better than the rest of the competitors, then I guess China was the perfect place to go for Shawn. As expected lot's of good guys avoided the long travel and the expenses of such an adventure.

    Ok, So I will not win in Blackpool if I would decide to go. But I savely assume that if this years FISM would have been in the USA, he wouldn't have gotten any award.

    I have not seen it from that point of view yet.

    Ok, FISM 2030, which will take place in Mogadishu (just an educated guess from a failed mentalist) will be my year to shine. I am looking forward.


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