
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

David Williamson

It is April. In celebration of this blogs one year existence, the whole month will be winner time. Only the coolest and best members of our elite circle of nerds will be featured.

Today: David Williamson!

He is a magical prodigy, no doubt about it. No hard work at all, he just is able to do that. His sleight of hand is above average, his ideas are creative and he actually enriched the magic world with his Striking Vanish. Watch this really old matrix he did. Pretty classical, but already with the Williamson touch:

And he is really funny too. Sometimes his "funny" over shadows his magic so much that the "vampire effect" takes place, that people kind of miss out the magic because they had so much fun. This is stuff that we mere mortals that we are do not have to deal with.

It is kind of hard to not make him a winner.

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