
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Wanna see a sad, sad video?

Charlotte Pendragon doing the Metamorphosis in the Forever Alone version. Going through all the moves as if there was a second person. Sad! But somehow deservedly satisfying to watch!


  1. Oh dear. this is practically a dealer demo show. I would hope she could get better coaching and material than this. I'm very sad for her.

  2. Did I just see a change-bag? Pretty sure I just saw a change-bag.

  3. Hush, that could easily be any regular wooden handled bag.

  4. As if a vid clip of some old MILF playing with her 'box' could get any more cheesey!

  5. I saw his hair failing after the curtain in the box trick

  6. omg, it's just weird lol
    do you have some good stuff on mentalism tricks?

  7. Okay, it was a little awkward, and there was a tinge of desperate sadness....but for fuck sake, she is a pretty decent looking MILF, a good slice of pumpkin pie for sure....I definitely wouldn't mind splitting a twelve pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon with her!

    On the other hand, when I saw Randy coming out with those two mutated puppets, I punched the wall. And seeing Randy doing the "fat lips" singing routine made me want to put my face through a plate glass window.

    Maybe Charlotte should include a bullet catching routine in her act. She already has practice....


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