
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Yes it got made!

My fucking idea has turned into reality:

More than two years ago I posted this:

And now there is this:

Now I want credits, royalties and all the other bullshit that belongs to me. Me, me, me alone. Of course they done it all wrong. A facedown version would have been much more subtle. But hey...


  1. It may have been your idea but, and be honest about this, would you really use something as hideous and obviously 'dodgy looking' as that wallet?
    Yet again it's proof that magicians really will buy anything.

  2. Ideas for the face down version are included on the DVD!

  3. Here is a sparkle effect I came up with over 30 years ago, back when I was a bored preteen who shouldn't have been playing with lighters. His method is identical to mine, although his particular handling is all his..

    Perhaps I should contact Joke so he can cut me a check. He is profiting off the back of my unpublished childhood work. Stealing from children, how low can he go?

  4. Did you publish it somewhere. A book, or even a lesser medium like a blog?

  5. @Darren, I didn't know... even better then.

  6. Never published anywhere Roland, but I was just being overly dramatic. There are probably lots of kids who independently came up with it. I was just surprised to see my crude, primitive method in the modern marketplace. There are certainly other more convenient ways to accomplish a flame-based sparkle effect.


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