
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This really needs to stop

Having learnt magic the classic way I can say I'm happy with that. It has taught me the value of books. It has taught me that a throw away idea can be included in a book. Maybe a few sentences briefly outlining the idea. But with a clear statement that it is just an idea and that the author is giving it out, so somebody more talented is able to turn that idea into a full routine. Basically it is the author admitting, in a very nice way, that he is not as talented as he hoped. Being humble and all.

And then times changed and those throw away ideas become a five minutes endurance marathon with the most pretentious of all characters.


  1. He says, "You can take something difficult and make it easy."

    At the end of a too-long video that does just the opposite.

    I did learn that goatees can look unbearably scruffy. Is it real or fake?

  2. There's one bright side to this. Anyone who actually attempts to emulate this person's style, they will not be successful, and will essentially be culled from the herd. And then they will simply fade away, and leave the paying work for us.

  3. Clearly this should have been released as a double DVD set.

  4. I have an urge to pay $5 to find out what all the tattoos say. So I can mock them without mercy.

  5. He is turning into a caricature isn't he? Why is he talking like that? He never used to.

  6. True, in earlier videos you see that he clearly able to speak normally. So his decision to become a truly colorless character has turned him into a shallow personality with a speech impediment.

  7. Not only does he now have a speech impediment -but they really should sort out the lighting - is it really necessary to have it so bright, that he needs to wear shades?

    I remember he did an effect at the last EMC and it was pretty good and he came across ok (as far as I remember) -Whoever is telling him this is better needs shooting!

    Sadly there are too many people happy to watch, and even pay, for stuff like this for it to go away.

  8. common guys- He's just trying to be more like his idol - Blaine!


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