
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Episode 5 "The Gorilla Grip Balls"

Click here for a more detailed review


  1. Here is the Gooooooogle link for this crap.
    You can see what dealers are goniffs:,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45960087,d.cGE&fp=8fcb7e074e28850a&biw=1024&bih=589

  2. It seems to me that if you simply throw the set away, then the quality would be a 0 out of 7, wouldn't it?

  3. Didn't see the need to expose the gimmick. Also think the reviews would be more interesting if the products were more interesting. For this a simple "these are decent/bad mania. balls" would have been enough I think. Anyways, still quite entertaining ...

  4. Did I really expose the gimmick? Well in a way I did, but I certainly did not really explain the inner workings. I could also review a thumb tip. And talk all about the space and how a piece of silk cloth could fit in there. But I would not really expose the trick then. In fact I have met laypeople who where sure that the TT would be seen, therefore never the the modus operandi. In fact magicians even believe that, hence the hype about those hyper realistic TT's.

  5. Also will any layman ever look at a video with a fat guy talking about rubber balls?

  6. My other half is kinda into that, to be fair. He has quite niche interests

  7. So that's how it's done! Wow!
    Yes, I think people will see this if they google 'fat guy with rubber balls.'


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