
Thursday, December 27, 2012

WishCraft..... uhhhhhhh


  1. dafuq..
    we used to fold those things from paper in elementary school.
    I just don't have the enterpreneur spirit :(

  2. Check out - they're also selling Tarot cards, pendulums and other fortune telling products with a magic bent (for example, the Tarot package teaches a card trick so that you can "prove" your magikal abilities in the eyes of your friends).

    Such a market, particularly amongst teens, is a profitable place to flog your wares.

  3. I opened it a half hour ago and I can do it already!

    I am so getting this for my next pajama party with all my 16 year old friends. Now, off to work on my head cap with dangley coins.

  4. the idea of creating a
    magic kit which used divination systems not only for play, but to demonstrate powers was created by brad Henderson. Brad presented the concept first to Mattel who considered it for their Harry Potter lines of magic kits. When Mattel gave up the magic line, mark Setteducatti asked brad to show it to roger dryer if fantasmic. Roger promised brad the moon and set on the project for years. Brad has confronted Roger about this. Roger claims he forgot, though brad has reached out to him repeatedly in the intervening years to get his prototypes returned to him. the concept is apparently strong enough for someone to take without compensation or credit. but what else would you expect from a guy who basically replicated marvin's magic line with a new logo on it.

  5. Is this the first of the 2013 tricks from 'The Real Secrets' team?

  6. i van't wait for the amazing part where that chick isn't prom queen...


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