
Thursday, October 13, 2011

I cannot make it to the end

Can someone please summarize what is going on!


  1. There are magicians and then better magicians. I suspect that this man has not done his first thousand shows. Age does not matter Billy McComb proves that.

  2. To summarize: some old guy went to a magic shop, bought a heap of props that he was told were good for children's magic, didn't bother routining them, practicing them, or apparently even read the instructions. Then he stuck coloured dots onto his suit jacket and performed for actual people with said props. In the end the MC found the act so impressive that she didn't give a crap what his name was, despite his best efforts to inform her.

  3. I can sum it up in one word ... painful.

  4. I've seen some crap magic performances online, but this is right at the top of the most crap list.

    You owe me 7 minutes and 40 seconds Roland, well to be honest, you probably owe me one minute, I kept skipping forward after every few seconds.

    Fred hit the nail on the head, Painful, I'd also add embarrassing, both for him and children's magicians every where.

  5. Take a deep breath folks before reading this ; ( Hint--guess who is a prize winning magician):-

    You really couldn't make it up !!

  6. Holy shit.

    Roland. Just my two cents. You might want to put this on the main page.

    It's that really him 100 percent? I'm on a tablet and the pics are a little small.

    Awards. Hulk smash

  7. Oh shit. Autocorrect. Where is the hall monitor? Hurry up run!

  8. Carl Dwyer. Duh on me. Just didn't want anyone to make a bad mistake of ID.

    Horrible, but somehow fantastic all rolled into one.

  9. Prize winning? This gives credence to the saying, "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King."

  10. The land of the blind, in this case, being Coventry. Heh heh.


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