
Monday, January 3, 2011

What's up with those?

More and more card magicians are wearing those. Each one seemingly under the age of 15. What's up with those. Does the colour point to sexual preferences? If so, what does the combination black and yellow mean?


  1. Not sure about were you are, but over here they are the latest fund raising thing.

  2. They go back quite a way actually.

    That Lance guy with the sick balls, on the bike started it years ago.

    Yellow and Black means WASP. We are sex perverts. Very brutal clan

  3. Card magicians typically wear the ones put out by Diamond Jim Tyler, as they have two different card reveals printed on them instead of the typical "LiveSTRONG" slogan, but the proceeds still benefit the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

    A couple of other companies finally ripped off the idea, but those proceeds benefit no one but the manufacturers.

  4. No worse than wearing rubber bands around your wrist lol!

  5. I'm with Gary; just wait until Silly Bandz take hold on your side of the pond. Reoutwad!

  6. You may be confusing these with the thinner "jelly bracelets"


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