
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Just A Sunday Post #69

Products the magic world has been missing.


  1. Change into a flower? Where I come from flowers have green stems... Even a 3-year-old knows how that wand works, that's not magic...

  2. That goes without mention the AK47 sound of the "appearing" flower. These items remind me of that milk to lightbulb gem...pretty useful if you impromptu milk a cow in a dark basement, for instance.

  3. Sob...I quite liked always a winner !!!

    Okay if I had to pay for the cups and the tray on this one to the tune of $100 and was naive enough not to figure out the rather simple explanation I'd be a bit miffed.

    But its not that bad an effect surely that it should lumped in with the stupid flower trick.

  4. I just figured out how he did sponge poker. I can't believe I never understood it before. I know all the moves involved already...


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