
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

WMF Peki Fantasy Show

This is one of the many German magicians. Peki. His name is short and stands for Peter Kinnigkeit. If you take a look at this Flower Show you can see that the target audience for this show (his closer actually) are old people. 

EDIT: Original video not there anymore!

Do old people deserve this? I think not. They deserve better. Sure they seem to like it. But why?

Here is why, because they seem to know that they do not get any better. And this is sad. Even old people deserve a good show and not just 15 minutes of flowers taken from a square circle which doesn't even fool.

Admittedly the stage is full in the end which creates a nice display, yet everything else is bad. The coordination between the two makes me think that the word Team Work doesn't apply here.. That is why Peki is the Weekly Magic Failure.


  1. You know, I'd bet that there are a lot of people who'd love to secretly and anonymously email you with people to feature on the blog.

    How will you handle that temptation, Roland?

    Oh, and incidentally, you should make sure people who come here can see your video clips so that they know you're no slouch, even if it's just linking to your MVD profile.

  2. Good question. First if somebody wants to submit stuff... great. No problem there.
    But I will not link to my MVD stuff. Why? If people want to find out who I am, it is not a difficult task to do.

  3. So that will be why Peke he was the world champion more than once? And why he mixes in the highest ranks of the magic circle.
    Armchair critics who are too stupid and too ignorant to appreciate the amount of work these skills take, should be taken out and shot.
    Why don't you go away and become good at something, if that is possible?
    Jon Delorme

  4. So that will be why Peke he was the world champion more than once? And why he mixes in the highest ranks of the magic circle.
    Armchair critics who are too stupid and too ignorant to appreciate the amount of work these skills take, should be taken out and shot.
    Why don't you go away and become good at something, if that is possible?
    Jon Delorme

  5. I've been asking around about you. Interesting, you are universally hated, to the point that people look on your site and employ the acts you talk about because they realise that you are incompetent and the acts must be good. Peke just got a very big job purely because of that.
    I just saw part of your own act. You need to be a LOT better before you earn the right to criticise others. No effort or talent had gone into it. I was bored within a minute.

  6. I am unsure who it is that you've been asking from, but I'm affraid you've been gravely misled. Roland's views - or large parts thereof - concerning ethics and quality are shared by a rather considerable proportion of the magic community, notwithstanding the inevitable ennemies he's made in the process.

    I may add that your analysis of Roland's work is quite surprising, since he strikes me (and quite a few others) as displaying both features you call him devoid of: a LOT of intellectual effort, and an undeniable dose of talent applied thereat. If Weekly Magic is what you based your opinion on, perhaps his awkwardness when performing in his non-native (though commendably good) English, alone before the impersonal eye of a camera, might account for it. As for being "bored within a minute", if Roland's magic does that for you then I can't start to imagine what dangerously sedative effects the incriminated Peki video may have on you: do NOT watch it if you value your sanity!

    Oh, and regarding that fanciful claim that some people get gigs simply because they've been labeled as mediocre by Roland... I was going to adress it on the off-chance that you might be remotely serious about it but on second thought, that's just too much of a long shot.


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